Personalized Care
Our medical providers as well as support team approach each patient with the unique care that they deserve. We are all committed to improving patient care while making it easier to care for aging loved ones. Our patients are provided with individualized personal care in the comfort of their home.

Medication Management and Refills
Your health and wellbeing are our top priority and we are dedicated to ensuring that our patients are benefiting from first class medication management.

Medical Authorizations for Medicare and Medicaid
Our partners in caring for seniors at home offer a variety of services to help our patients live comfortably at home. Whether you need in home medical attendants, nursing care, or durable medical equipment, we will make sure that the proper paper work is filled out and submitted to make it easier for seniors to live at home.

Transitional Care
Avoidable hospital admissions are a key patient safety and quality concern for patients returning home from hospitals and skilled nursing facilities. A significant cause of preventable readmissions is poor communication and coordination of care during transitions. Transitions between care settings are vulnerable periods for all patients, but especially older adults and those with multiple comorbidities. Transitions include admissions and discharges within and between acute-care hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, long-term care facilities, long-term acute-care hospitals, assisted living facilities, and home.
All too often, poor coordination between the acute setting and primary care provider results in poor longitudinal care planning. Fewer than 50% of patients see their primary care providers within 2 weeks of hospital discharge.
We offer comprehensive programs to enhance care during transitions between settings can reduce not only 30-day hospital readmissions but also readmissions for the entire year after the initial hospitalization.

Mobile Diagnostic Laboratory Testing
We know that it is difficult for our elderly loved ones to get to the lab for routine blood work, so instead we come to you. Home draws are done regularly to ensure that patients are staying in good health.

Diagnostic Imaging
Advances in technologies enable the best medical care to be available from the comfort of home. Our patients have the option of obtaining images at home when needed.
Service Areas
Primary Care At Home provides services to residents of the following counties of Central Florida.